2024 Membership Committee Members:

  •  OPEN, Chairperson
  • Mrs. Tina Wilson, Assistant Chairperson
  • Mrs. Alisa Beamer, Secretary
  • Mrs. Inez Webb
  • Mrs. Jessica McClain
  • Bishop Gerard Mirbel
  • Mr. Craig Sams
The Membership Committee wants you to know that your membership matters! 

It is only with like-minded people working together that we can make an enduring difference and bring equity and equality to our community. 

Membership Committee News: 

  • The Membership Committee is ready and willing help familiarize you with the work our branch is doing so you can choose how you would like to get involved!
  • Committee meets the 4th Monday of each month at 4PM.  Locations may vary.

The Purpose of the Membership Committee Shall be:

(1) To work throughout the year to maintain and increase the membership of the Association

(2) To be responsible for planning and organizing the annual membership campaign

(3) To be responsible on a continuous basis for soliciting new members and for securing renewals 

(4) To initiate all possible means to obtain Life Members and sponsor a continuing program towards this end